SDGsSustainable Development Goals

The SDGs are a set of international goals to be reached by 2030 adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. Unified Services will contribute to the achievement of these SDGs through its business activities. To this end, we will continually review and implement specific action plans in collaboration with our stakeholders.


A Middle Eastern desert model that utilizes hydrogen power and water from by-products

  • Unified Services has been in the business of renewable electric energy since 2017. In order to consider a more feasible approach, we have established the Renewable Energy Adequacy Expansion Working Team as a non-profit organization, which included company members as well as knowledgeable individuals from the corporate and academic sectors of the electric power industry.
    Based on the industry information and knowledge gained from the renewable electric energy business and the discussions of this working team, we also provided suggestions to the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy in 2019. The suggestions showed a Japan and its regions based on these models: the Off-grid urban model for disasters, the Off-grid Africa model using renewable energy, the Micro-grid regional development model, and the Micro-RE100 model.
    As one of our concrete undertakings, we have switched to 100% renewable energy sources for electric energy used in work, such as electric lights, computers, data centers, etc. as practice of the Micro-RE100 model. We plan to apply this experience and knowledge to many more companies in the future.

Promoting the Industry Cloud

  • We have launched an electricity price calculation system in response to the liberalization of electricity that began in 2016 as “Unisrv Electricity CIS,” an Industry Cloud service. This cloud system has customization capabilities and is a platform that allows many electric power companies aspiring to promote renewable energy to get up and running quickly.
    It can also be used for renewable energy trading.
    Several new companies in the electric power business are already using it to trade renewable energy.

A diverse workforce

  • There are many diverse human resources working in Unified Services. Many of them have joined the company because they were attracted to the possibility of realizing projects that contribute to society and leading new efforts. We have many female engineers, and we've made use of flexible systems, such as telecommuting, to help them balance their work with childcare long before the COVID-19 era. As you can see in, our leadership varies in age, gender, and background. Unified Services is a place where members with diverse backgrounds can work together as soon as they join the company.